1. 2019.03至今 中原工学院电子信息学院自动化系
2. 2014.09-2019.01 东北大学 控制理论与控制工程专业 博士
3. 2012.07-2014.07 许继集团 许继电源有限公司 工程师
4. 2010.09-2012.06 东北大学 控制理论与控制工程专业 硕士
5. 2005.09-2019.07 河南科技大学 自动化 学士
1. 河南省科技厅,科技攻关项目,212102210537,机理融合数据驱动的涡流耦合器多耦合场分析与优化技术研究,已结项;
2. 河南省科技厅,科技攻关项目,222102240048,重载车用复合磁通永磁涡流缓速器关键技术研究,2022.01-至今,在研;
3. 河南省科技厅,科技攻关项目,232102320210,能量回馈型无刷永磁调速系统关键技术研究,2023.01-至今,在研。
1. Zhao Li, Yan Li, Boyang Qu, Hui Yang, Xiaopei, Dazhi Wang. Evaluation and Analysis of Flux-Regulated Permanent Magnet Linear Eddy Current Brakes[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2023, 59(1): 712-725.
2. Zhao Li, Liang Zhang, Boyang Qu, Hui Yang, Dazhi Wang. Modeling and Analysis of Novel Flux-Adjustable Permanent Magnet Eddy Current Couplings With Multiple Rotors[J]. IET Electric Power Applications, 2021, 15(6): 754-768.
3. Zhao Li, Li Yan, Boyang Qu, Kai Fu. Analytical Prediction and Optimization of Torque Characteristic for Flux-Concentration Cage-Type Eddy-Current Couplings with Slotted Conductor Rotor Topology[J]. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2020, 62(2): 295-313.
4. Zhao Li, Boyang Qu, Dazhi Wang. Performance Prediction and Analysis of Adjustable-speed Permanent Magnet Eddy-current Couplings[J]. Journal of Magnetics, 2019, 24(2): 230-239.
5. Zhao Li, Dazhi Wang, Tongyu Shi, Xue Bai. Performance prediction and analysis of disk-type eddy-current drivers[J]. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2018, 40(5): 1568-1578.
6. Zhao Li, Dazhi Wang, Di Zheng. Analytical predictions and analysis of electromagnetic field and torque for eddy-current couplers with Quasi-Halbach magnet array[J]. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2018, 57(3): 347-366.
7. Zhao Li, Dazhi Wang, Di Zheng, Linxin Yu. Analytical modeling and analysis of magnetic field and torque for novel axial flux eddy current couplers with PM excitation[J]. AIP Advances, 2017, 7(10): 105303.
8. 李召, 王大志, 时统宇. 郑迪基于熵权与混合代理模型的永磁驱动器的优化设计[J]. 电机与控制学报, 2016, 20(6): 102-108.